Lucy lived so long ago that many details of her life are unknown to us. We do know that she came from the island of Sicily and that she died in the year 304. We have proof that she was beloved by the early Christians because her name is prayed in the first Eucharistic Prayer at Mass.

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Odilia, also known as Odile, was born in France in the seventh century. Her father was the Duke of Alsace. When she was still an infant, her parents realized that she was blind. Her father was so angry that he ordered his only child put to death. But Odilia’s mother convinced him to allow Odilia to be raised by nuns.

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Born in 1542, John was raised in Spain by a widowed mother who could barely provide for her sons. At a young age, he worked in a hospital and developed a great love for the poor and the sick. He sometimes felt that he was in the presence of Jesus when he was tending the patients. But John wanted to become even closer to God. He became a Carmelite friar when he was almost 20 years old.

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In the Opening Prayer of the Mass on the feast of St. Thomas, we pray, “Almighty God, you granted the martyr Thomas the grace to give his life for the cause of justice” (Sacramentary). The justice Thomas died for was the right of the Church to be free from control by the government.

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Born in Rome toward the end of the third century, Pope Sylvester was the leader of the Catholic Church at a great turning point in the Church’s history. For the first time in nearly 300 years, Christians were freed from the threat of persecution. The powerful emperor, Constantine, had given Christians the right to practice their faith openly. Constantine even made Sunday a weekly holiday.

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Vincenzo Romano was born into a poor family in June of 1751. Despite this, he was able to study. He was impacted by the life and teachings of Saint Alphonsus Liguori, and he developed a special devotion to the Blessed Sacrament. In 1775, he was ordained a priest.

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Feast Day: February 6
Canonized: October 14, 2018
Beatified: June 21, 1992
Venerated: March 3, 1990


Francesco Spinelli was born in Milan, Italy, on April 14, 1853. As a child, he would join his mother in visiting and helping the poor and the needy of Milan. He entertained other children by putting on puppet shows.

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